Employee Batch Updates

This provides an efficient process to import pre-defined Excel documents and update data in the HR3pay database, enabling you to process multiple unrelated transaction types from this single function.

The import types available are:

  • Pay Items/Deductions and Rates
  • HR Skills, Training, and Property
  • Leave Balances (non-payroll databases only)
  • Employee/Department costing updates
  • Onboard employees
  • Employee Super Items
  • Employee Events

To Process an Employee Batch Update

Go to Navigator | Payroll | Employee | Batch Updates to run the Batch Update Wizard.

  1. Step 1:
    Select Open a new Batch Update then click Next
    Alternatively highlight the appropriate Batch Update in the list displayed, select Enter or amend entries in an existing Batch Update then click Next. This will go straight to Step 4 of the Wizard.
  2. Step 2:
    For a new Batch Update, complete the following fields:
    • Document Type - choose the appropriate type from the drop-down list.
    • Description - enter an appropriate description for this batch update. This is a required field.
    • Cannot Execute Before this Date* - use the drop-down calendar to specify the earliest date this batch can be updated.
    • Cannot Execute After this Date* - use the drop-down calendar to specify the latest date this batch can be updated.
    • Import File - click the Browse button to locate the file to be imported for this Batch Update

    Click Next to continue.

  3. Step 3:
    This Validation screen will indicate if there are any errors with the process. For example, an employee ID number given on the import file may not exist on the HR3pay database. This gives you with the opportunity to fix any errors - note that cell addresses are given so you know exactly where the problems have occurred.
    Once the Validation has been successful, nothing will be listed here.
    Click Next to continue.
    • You may leave this Batch Update window open while you fix the errors. Once fixed, click Back (to return to Step 2) then on Step 2 click Next to re-import the file and to display this Step 3 Validation screen again. (Repeat this if necessary, until all errors are fixed.)
  4. Step 4:
    This Detail Data screen indicates all the updates/additions that will occur.
    The toolbar along the top of the Wizard screen indicates the current status of the Batch Update. You can choose to Accept if all the details are correct, or click Cancel if preferred.
    Note that if this batch update is cancelled, the Status in the top bar will show Pending*. You may click on Pending to reactivate the Cancel and Accept buttons.
  5. After you have clicked Accept, this activates the Update button.
    Click Update to import the new data and complete the Batch Update process.
  6. A Confirmation message is displayed - click Yes to continue.
  7. Once the update is complete, click OK to close the Batch Update wizard.

*Pending and date execution ranges are not supported for the Employee Onboard document.


This function works with MS-SQL Server. Firebird users should contact HR3 Support for further information.